The mushrooms return

Mushrooms everywhere. First they came up on the lawn, then one found its way onto the flat roof. I've even spotted one sprouting out of the shingle down near the front door.

I have no idea how they got here. It's not like we've been blessed with mushroom harvests in the past.

The last time I looked, the mushrooms on the lawn had decomposed into into little oily puddles. All that remained were a couple of withering stalks. And then this. Back with a vengeance, loads of the things.

This would be great if I knew I could eat them, but I don't really fancy frying these up to find, upon having my stomach pumped out, that they are actually deadly nightshade or something equally toxic. So I'll just leave them for the slugs. It seems that these are quite a delicacy for my slippery enemies, and with any luck it'll kill them.


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