
Showing posts from 2009

Winter wonderland

Robins for lunch

The final cut?

The mushrooms return

A blooming result if you ask me

The last pear to drop

Well, it is a flower bed

Sparrows are just vandals

Fig off

Mushroom roof

Little tufts of defiance

Divide and conker: the great spider rescue

Spider city

Flowers in October

Great buds of fire

Mushrooms up

Blooming ginger

The Chilean wine palm experiment

The tree ferns keep growing

Water, water, everywhere

Kew Gardens 15/09

Curling out

Waiting game

The tree ferns arriveth

The tree ferns cometh

Just what I need - an animal eating plant

Poor petals

Here comes colour

The fig tree suckers

Taming the Buddleia

Chusan palm

Green shoots